Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Most of the people who aren't writers can't quite wrap their heads around why we do it. Why writing's so important to us. I came across an article that I pretty much fell in love with. I find that it describes everything so perfectly. It describes exactly how I feel about my writing and in a way, exactly why I have such a passion for it. It's just so perfect that I have to share it with you: 

"For many of us, our work is not just our work, it's who we are. We write as an extension of our living. As we give voice to characters or explain how things work, we are figuring out the world, what we believe, and how we fit. Because of this, writers can be emotional about their writing. So many of us come to our work riddled with three emotions that experts say are not helpful: anxiety, sadness or anger. We worry about being good enough, we worry that other writers are doing better, we get sad when our work is overlooked, we get angry at those who don't respect us and on and on it goes. Who can write with that kind of drama playing out in our heads?

On top of that, frenzy also shows up as the nasty inner editor voice, often called gremlins. If you've ever tried to write or publish anything you know what the frenzy sounds like: "This won't be good enough to sell, I don't know how to do this, no one will buy this, I'm scared, I don't have the right words, I'm a loser, I should give up."

Now you know exactly why I love to write. 

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